The world is a place for diversity- a platform where differences should be respected and embraced. However, many are tightly convicted to some false notions, believing that relativity is not an important matter. What about doing some thing that would eventually help these people better understand cultural diversity? Team Pakigsandurot organized an activity promoting the idea of putting themselves on the shoes of our fellow female Muslims. Hijab, in connection, is one of the garment used by the women of Islam community as a part of practicing their culture. This garment serves as covering widely utilized by them. Accordingly, in Arabic, hijab means partition or barrier. However, in Islam its meaning is broad. It implies modesty which includes behavior for both men and women. The most visible form of hijab is the head covering used by the women. With this, six Christian females took the challenge and wore the garment over a day. From going to classes and even on breaks, these women were seen wearing hijab. The goal of this cultural engagement is not only for a mere experience but rather a message for everybody that Muslim culture is diverse and beautiful, thus, should not be feared in any way. Team Pakigsandurot conducted this activity to raise awareness about Islam culture and project its uniqueness. Even if stereotyping prevails, there are people who are willing to know the truth. Aside from that, this is also to showcase a glimpse of their lives. According to these six Christian females, their experience have them made realized a lot about Muslim Culture. “It was fulfilling, exciting, and a pleasure”. “ It was a nice experience to try how is it to live like them- I realized they are not far different on being a Christian”. “ It was great and satisfying, a great achievement and served as an answer to our curiosity”. These are some of the responses that these six females have because of the said activity. It gave them clarifications and answers to what is really wearing a Hijab is about. It is about being modest in terms of clothing with respect to their culture and beliefs. It is embedded on their identity as female Muslims and symbolize cultural identity.
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